First autochrome photos of Hanoi on display

(VOVworld) - 60 color photos of Hanoi taken at the beginning of the 20th century by French photographer Leon Busy are delighting the public in Hanoi. The exhibition, called “Colors of Hanoi from 1914 to 1917”, was opened on Monday by the Ile-de-France regional council and the Hanoi People’s Committee to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Vietnam-France diplomatic ties.

First autochrome photos of Hanoi on display - ảnh 1
A village under the Long Bien bridge (Photo: VOV)

The photos are enlarged copies because the originals, captured on 8x12 cm glass plates by the autochrome technique, have been stored in strict temperature and humidity conditions. Photos are related to 2 themes: daily life, businesses and society, and humans and the environment.

First autochrome photos of Hanoi on display - ảnh 2
Artisan of Hang Trong paiting (Photo: VOV)

The photos will be on display until early January and will reach audiences in Paris in mid-2014.

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