Full time NA deputies discuss revised Investment Law

(VOVworld) – Full time National Assembly deputies on Tuesday discussed revisions to the Investment Law. These included the list of a number of areas banned from investment and business activities as well as areas that allow investment and business activities with conditions.

Full time NA deputies discuss revised Investment Law - ảnh 1

After thorough consideration, the National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to shorten the list of areas banned from investment and business activities from 51 to 11 areas. Meanwhile, the number of areas that allow investment and business activities with conditions will be reduced from 386 to 326. Le Dac Lam is a deputy from Binh Thuan province: “I propose that the trading of military outfits and equipment be included in the list of investment and business areas with conditions because we can’t control it for the moment. We should continue to consider the trading of genetically modified animals.”

The deputies also discussed the revised Enterprise Law. 

