HCM city and Sacramento, US, cooperate in human resources training

(VOVworld) – Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Tat Thanh Cang received Allen Warren, Vice Mayor of Sacramento, California, in the US, on Monday. Warren said he wants to learn more about HCM city for future cooperation.


HCM city and Sacramento, US, cooperate in human resources training  - ảnh 1
Allen Warren, Vice Mayor of Sacramento City. (Photo: sacbee.com)
They signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on collaboration between HCM city’s Department of Home Affairs and UC Davis Extension, a branch of the University of California.
UC Davis Extension will provide short-term courses for officials of Ho Chi Minh City on public policy, urban management, commercial law, hi-tech agriculture, biotechnology, and English language.
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