HCMC marks the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Laotian diplomatic ties

(VOVworld) – The special traditional friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and Laos is a priceless asset initially founded by President Ho Chi Minh and President Kayson Phomvihane and generations of senior figures from both countries. The Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City’s Party Committee Le Thanh Hai, stated this today/Tuesday at a ceremony to mark 50 years of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 35 years since the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Treaty was signed. He added that despite many upheavals, Vietnam and Laos relationship has developed in a sustainable fashion and has contributed significantly to the success of both revolutions as well as during national construction and development. Mr. Hai said: "The municipal party committee have acknowledged and are proud of the special close bonds between both parties, states, and peoples. On this occasion, we want to pay tribute to the Laotian cadres, soldiers, and people for their contributions to Vietnam during the different periods of our revolution."

HCMC marks the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Laotian diplomatic ties - ảnh 1
Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Le Thanh Hai on July 16 hosted a reception for Lao Deputy Prime Minister cum Foreign Minister Thonglun Sisoulith.(Photo: internet)
Laos Deputy Prime Minister Thongloun Sousilih confered the Independence Order, 2nd class, on Ho Chi Minh City’s People’s Committee and Council as well as the city’s leaders. The Laotian leader also presented the Friendship Order to the city’s Department of External Affairs, for its achievements in bolstering bilateral ties between Vietnam and Laos.Later the same day, former State President Nguyen Minh Triet received a senior level delegation led by Laos Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Thongloun Sousilih, on a visit to Ho Chi Minh City. Triet said that Ho Chi Minh city, Vientiane, and Champasak province have led the way in boosting the Vietnamese-Laotian relationship. He added that he hoped that Ho Chi Minh city will do its utmost to further bilateral cooperation between both countries. Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Le Thanh Hai on July 16 hosted a reception for Lao Deputy Prime Minister cum Foreign Minister Thonglun Sisoulith.

