Initial Italian election returns

Initial Italian election returns - ảnh 1
Photo: AFP

Results of the Italian election show no political party holding clear majority votes.According to Italy’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, Pier Luigi Bersani’s center-left party is leading the returns in both Legislative Houses. With two thirds of the vote counted, Bersani’s bloc was ahead with 32% compared to 30% for the party of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The “Five Star” movement led by comedian Beppe Grillo ranked third with 23%. Mario Monti’s centrist coalition had 9 %. When the preliminary results were announced, Berlusconi called it an incredible outcome. Prime Minister Monti also expressed satisfaction even though his party did not make a big impact in the election. James Walston of Rome’s US University said the result could lead to a political crisis in Italy.


