International, French media examine China’s ambition in building artificial islands in Truong Sa

(VOVworld) – The international and French media have run a number of articles concerning China’s build-up of artificial islands in the Truong Sa archipelago as part of its ambition to control the East Sea.

International, French media examine China’s ambition in building artificial islands in Truong Sa - ảnh 1

In an article in Le Figaro dated February 16 Jean Licourt cited a report by France’s Defense Ministry claiming that China was particularly interested in this area because of its important strategic position. The area connects the Indian Ocean with the Pacific and is an important sea route between Asia and Europe. He said China’s creation of artificial islands was aimed at carrying out the same strategy as deployed on the Hoang Sa archipelago. In May 2014 China used this territory to justify its placing of Haiyang 981 drilling rig in the East Sea.

Also on February 16 the website of Radio-Monaco ran an article on China’s construction of a military island between the Philippines and Vietnam. Author Frank Herman said the expansion and turning of islands into military bases would be the main reason for China’s claiming of its exclusive maritime zone. An article entitled “Artificial islands, China’s secret weapons” by Sputniknews on February 23 quoted HIS Jane’s Defense Weekly as saying that China was trying to develop within the disputed region a network of naval and aerial bases on 5 new islands built on shoals. The article predicted that the construction could be completed in the spring or summer this year and could be used for military purposes. James Hardy, Editor-in-chief of HIS Jane’s Defense Weekly said they were certain that China had designed and was building a defense network in the middle of Truong Sa islands.        

