International response to North Korea’s satellite launch reschedule

China, the US, Japan and South Korea have responded to North Korea’s satellite launch rescheduling.

International response to North Korea’s satellite launch reschedule - ảnh 1

Speaking at a regular press briefing on Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said China continued to call for joint efforts to safeguard peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula as well as in the region. On the same day in Washington, US State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said it is simply a delay and North Korea still plans to launch the rocket. She repeated the US’s point of view considering Pyongyang’s using ballistic missile technology in the launch as violation of resolutions 1718 and 1874 of the UN Security Council. Meanwhile, Japan said they will continue to closely watch any movement of North Korea’s launching plan. The Republic of Korea’s Chief negotiator of the six-party talks, Lim Sung-nam will meet with Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov in Seoul on Wednesday. Republic of Korea’s Deputy Foreign Minister in charge of Multilateral and Global issues, Kim Bong-hyun will pay a visit to China next Monday to discuss with the country’s leaders the move of the rocket launch.

