Int'l community regrets Annan's resignation

The international community Thursday expressed its regret over the resignation of Kofi Annan as a joint special envoy for Syria earlier this year.

Int'l community regrets Annan's resignation  - ảnh 1

China also expressed its regrets on Thursday, understanding the reasons over Annan's resignation. A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hong Lei said that China understands the difficulties Mr. Annan has encountered during his negotiations and respects his decision".  He added that China appreciates the active and constructive role Annan has played in pushing forward the political process on the Syrian issue. In a statement released by his spokesperson, the President of the UN’s General Assembly Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser commended the relentless efforts Annan has made over the past five months, to fulfill the mandate of the UN’s General Assembly. He also called on the international community to unite and put an end to the violence in Syria by finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.

In Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said that the EU will continue to support a peaceful political transition in Syria. She said The EU continues to support the efforts of the UN and the Arab League, and calls for the early appointment of a successor to carry on with Mr. Annan's efforts to broker a peaceful political transition in Syria. Meanwhile, the US blamed the Syrian government, Russia and China for Annan’s resignation, saying that  President Bashar al-Assad’s ignoring the UN backed peace plan as well as Russia and China hindering the UN Security Council’s resolutions on Syria are the main cause for Annan’s departure.


