Iran to accelerate integration into the world

(VOVworld) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran’s relationship with the EU is normalizing after an interim nuclear accord was implemented last week. Rouhani asked the US to take specific actions to promote Iran’s "constructive engagement" with the world.

Iran to accelerate integration into the world - ảnh 1

Rouhani was at this week's Davos World Economic Forum to encourage world investment in Iran (Photo: AFP

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Rouhani said remaining neutral is a key aim of his tenure and promised to pursue a foreign policy of "prudence and moderation" to revive Iran’s battered economy. He called for cooperation with all of Iran's neighbors around the world following the easing of sanctions by the US and Western countries under the interim deal signed in November, which calls for the unblocking of 4.2billion USD in frozen assets.  

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