Iran warns to close the Strait of Hormuz if US provokes

Iran warns to close the Strait of Hormuz if US provokes - ảnh 1
Photo: AFP

Iranian Ambassador Hassan Danaie-Far announced that Tehran can choose to close Strait of Hormuz, the transportation route for carrying 70 % of the world oil, if US continue to pressure Iran about its nuclear power plant. Ambassador Danaie- Far affirmed that Tehran has the right to close the Strait in response to any conflicts, by military or other means. He also said that this action is “within self-defense rights”. Previously, the US warned Iran that any intention to shut the Strait of Hormuz is considered a “red limit” and Washington would have the basis to deploy military measures against Iran. US and other western countries accused Iran of nuclear bomb production by enriching uranium. However Tehran denied this accusation and said that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.


