Iraq: violence kills and injures over 100

(VOVworld) – Iraqi police say at least 23 people were killed and 95 others injured in attacks across the country on Saturday. The bloodiest attack was near the Shiite mosque in Tuz Khurmatu, about 170 km north of Baghdad. In this attack, two consecutive bomb blasts killed at least 12 people and injured 72 others.
Iraq: violence kills and injures over 100   - ảnh 1
Violence ravages Iraq. Photo: internet
In a nearby place, a car bomb exploded close to a security check-point in Tal Afar area, killing a policeman and 2 people. About 20 other people, including 2 policemen were also injured in this attack. Other attacks in the south and east of Baghdad caused 6 people dead and injured. Meanwhile, in the north of Baghdad, clashes between police and gunmen in Shora town claimed many lives.

