Israel and Palestine to hold referendums on future peace deals

Israel and Palestine to hold referendums on future peace deals - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he is advancing a bill to conduct referendums on all future peace deals with Palestine.

In a televised address to the parliament on Monday, Netanyahu insisted on the need to conduct referendums to prevent possible discord in the country. He added that he plans to rush through the Knesset the new law but didn’t mention an exact time. On the same day, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced that he would do the same and reiterated Palestine’s consistent stance over Middle East peace.

Also on Monday, Palestine’s sources said that officials from both nations would meet in Washington next week for the first direct negotiations which have been on hold since 2010.

At this meeting, the chief of Palestine’s negotiating delegation, Saeb Erekat, will present the nation’s view point on the two-state solution using the pre-1967 border as the basis of Palestine’s future border with Israel. Saeb will also focus on the need to free Palestinian prisoners who are being detained by Israel and to stop the construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

