Italian game show promotes Vietnam’s tourism

Italian game show promotes Vietnam’s tourism - ảnh 1
Mother Suot monument -

(VOVworld)- Eight Italian couples are participating in a game show organised by Italy’s RAI Television (RAI TV) which introduces various localities in Vietnam. The couples arrived in Dong Hoi city in the central province of Quang Binh yesterday for their fifth mission.
After listening to local girls sing the Vietnamese song “Nhu co Bac Ho trong ngay vui dai thang” (Uncle Ho seems to be with us in happy days of the great victory), the participating couples’ mission will be to find copies of the song’s lyrics hidden at eight spots in Dong Hoi market and learn from locals how to sing the song. They will have to learn and sing the Vietnamese song beside a monument dedicated to a Vietnamese heroic mother, Mother Suot. They must sing this song in Vietnamese fluently beside the monument in order to be able to continue to the next mission. A member of the show’s jury, Allegra said the site was chosen for its great historical importance as a symbol of Vietnamese mothers who made great contributions and sacrifices for Vietnam in wartime.

