Japan, China, South Korea cancel annual ministerial meeting

Japan, China, South Korea cancel annual ministerial meeting - ảnh 1
Photo: Internet

The annual ministerial meeting of Tourism between Japan, China and South Korea by the end of this November has been canceled said Japanese government authorities yesterday. The reason is the strain relationship between Tokyo and Beijing amidst their territorial dispute relating to the Diaoyu/ Senkaku Islands. The meeting was previously fixed on November 26 and 27 in Iwaki city, Fukusima province in Japan. Japan, China and South Korea have held this annual meeting since 2006 to promote tourism cooperation between the three countries. At a meeting last May meeting in South Korea, the three countries agreed to hold the next meeting in the Northeast region of Japan and considered it as an effort to support the reconstruction of the areas devastated by earthquake, tsunami and the Fukusima nuclear in March 2011.   

