Japan detains Chinese boat for illegal fishing

Japan detains Chinese boat for illegal fishing - ảnh 1
Photo: Nagasaki Coast Guard

A Japanese patrol force on Thursday detained a Chinese boat for illegal fishing offshore Nagasaki province, southwest of Japan. The boat, which was registered in Zhejiang, was kept in the special economic zone near Goto of Nagasaki province, said Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka province. The crew members include 8 people and are all Chinese nationals. After being taken to the Japanese patrol boat for interrogation, the captain was transferred to Hakata port of Fukuoka province. The other crew members are still in detained site. The Chinese Consulate General urged Japan to ensure the safety of the Chinese crew. On the same day, in Beijing, the President of Japan’s New Komeito Party Natsuo Yamaguchi met with Wangjiarui, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The Chinese leader affirmed that China hopes Japanese ruling coalition can take positive measures and bring bilateral relations back into orbit. Yamaguchi is the first senior member in Japanese ruling alliance to Beijing since September 2012 when Tokyo has announced to purchase Senkaku/ Diaoyu islands.

