Ly Son Marathon- an affirmation of national sovereignty

(VOVWORLD) - Close to 2,000 runners from across Vietnam took part in the 61st Tien Phong Newspaper Marathon, the country’s oldest annual marathon, around Ly Son island in the south-central province of Quang Ngai on Sunday.
Ly Son Marathon- an affirmation of national sovereignty - ảnh 1

The race, co-hosted by the Tien Phong Newspaper, the Vietnam Athletics Federation and the provincial Department of Culture and Sports, attracted both professional and amateur athletes.

The event has been one of the country’s most important races for over half of the century. It had been held in March annually to mark the founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26) and Vietnam Sports Day (March 27), but this year was rescheduled to July because of the COVID-19. 

Being organized in Ly Son for the first time, the sporting event is another affirmation of Vietnam's sovereignty over the Hoang Sa archipelago. 

On Saturday, athletes and the locals attended the flag hoisting ceremony on Thoi Loi mountain. This is the first time the flag hoisting ceremony has been held in Ly Son.

The prize for the best team went to Binh Phuoc while in the second place was occupied by the team of Quang Ngai.




