Macedonian police fire tear gas at refugees

(VOVworld) - Macedonian police fired tear gas and stun grenades Wednesday to disperse 100 refugees who tried to pull down a wire fence separating Greece and Macedonia. The crowd pulled back only after two squads of Greek riot police moved in. The incident occurred just a few hundred meters from Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, who was visiting the Gevgelija reception centre with Croatian and Slovenian leaders.
Macedonian police fire tear gas at refugees  - ảnh 1
Refugees try to break into the police blockade near the Greek community of Idomeni.(Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images)

 On Sunday, Macedonian police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse hundreds of refugees who tried to cross into Macedonia to continue their journey to northern Europe. 250 refugees were injured.

More than 10,000 migrants became stranded at the northern Greek border crossing of Idomeni when Macedonia and other Balkan states denied them passage to Germany and other destinations in northern Europe.  

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