Military modernization for national construction and defense

(VOVworld) - National Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh has hailed the importance of strong national defense forces for national protection. General Thanh was addressing a state level workshop on the heroism of the Vietnam People’s army in the northern province of Cao Bang on Tuesday.

Military modernization for national construction and defense - ảnh 1

He said that despite the dominant trend of peace, cooperation and development, there could be unpredictable events requiring the strengthening of defense forces. The army must be the political and fighting forces of the Party, State and people while consistently respecting the direct and absolute leadership of the Party. He said the people were an endless source of strength for the nation and the army: “Apart from the decisive human factor, the army has been gradually modernized. Still, soldiers must continue their capacity to master modern weaponry. We must continue our research of historical lessons and draw the finest values from Vietnam’s military tradition and art.”

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Delegates praised the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh in building up the people’s army of the people and for the people. They said Party leadership would be the driving force of its fighting strength and for the glorious victories of the army and people.    

