Military Party Congress opens

(VOVworld) – The 10th military party congress opened in Hanoi on Tuesday.


Military Party Congress opens - ảnh 1

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Secretary of the Central Military Party Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, President Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung attended the event. The 3-day congress will discuss directions, military and defense goals, and military party building over the next 5 years.


Military Party Congress opens - ảnh 2

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said the Vietnamese Party’s policy is to enhance the strength of the people and the political system to defend Vietnam’s independence, sovereignty, renewal, and national interests: “In any circumstances, the army must be loyal to the Party, the people and the socialist regime. It should continue to adhere to the Party’s ideology to foil all subversive schemes. The army should remain vigilent and continue to modernize all military units.”

Mr. Trong asked the Military Party Committee to coordinate with central and local agencies in safeguarding national defense and security.

