Mixed reactions over new Arab League initiative on Syria

Mixed reactions over new Arab League initiative on Syria - ảnh 1
Photo: RIA Novosti

(VOVworld) - The world public continues to show different viewpoints on measures to resolve Syria’s crisis after the government of President Bashar Al Assad rejected a new Arab League initiative to establish a UN-AL peacekeeping mission in Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that it’s necessary to introduce a cease fire in Syria before the mission is deployed there. He added that Moscow wants all Syrian factions to accept UN and AL observers.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin said that Beijing supports the AL’s political mediation in Syria, and wants Syrian factions to bridge differences through dialogues. The EU and the US have expressed their support for the establishment of the joint mission while Britain, France, Germany, and Italy say they will consider the League’s proposal as soon as possible. The initiative will be discussed at a meeting in Tunisia next week.

