Monetary security, bank liquidity should be ensured in all situations, says PM

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked the banking sector to ensure  monetary security, system safety, and bank liquidity in all situations as he addressed a year-end meeting of the State Bank of Vietnam on Wednesday to review  performances in 2022 and set out tasks for 2023.

Monetary security, bank liquidity should be ensured in all situations, says PM  - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh delivers a speech at the meeting. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

“The highest goal for the State Bank in 2023 and the following years is to ensure monetary security, system safety, and the legitimate rights and interests of businesses and individuals. In addition, liquidity must be smooth in any case,” PM Chinh said. 

He analyzed the domestic and international situation, the factors affecting the health of the economy, businesses and banks, and the Vietnamese currency value this year.

The Prime Minister said the banking sector should be more proactive in international cooperation and integration in the field of currency and banking and enlist the support of other countries and international financial institutions, to contribute to enhancing Vietnam’s position and prestige worldwide.

