NA begins 7th session’s phase 2 with debate on North-South expressway section

(VOVWORLD) -The 15th National Assembly’s 7th session on Monday entered the second phase, after a one-week break between the two phases. 
NA begins 7th session’s phase 2 with debate on North-South expressway section  - ảnh 1The 7th session of the 15th National Assembly. Photo: VOV

In the morning, deputies discussed the investment policy of the Western part of North-South expressway construction project, specifically the section between Gia Nghia (Dak Nong province) and Chon Thanh (Binh Phuoc province).

The National Assembly will also examine adjusting the investment policy of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021-2030.

In the afternoon, deputies will discuss the revised draft Notary Law and the revised draft Value Added Tax Law.

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