NA debates revised Draft Law on Electricity

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies today continued their discussion on the Revised Draft Law on Electricity. Most agreed to keep electricity planning in central provinces and cities and remove it at district level.

NA debates revised Draft Law on Electricity  - ảnh 1

They said many remote and mountainous areas do not have access to the national electricity grid and calculating electricity prices based on compensation for the sector’s losses is causing difficulties for those areas. Some deputies suggest using advanced modern equipment with low electricity consumption and gradually get rid of old and wasteful equipment. Hoang Thi To Nga is a Deputy from Nam Dinh province: "The draft law should clarify the rights for and responsibilities of, electricity companies and customers to harmonize their benefits. It is necessary to invest in auxiliary industries for the electricity sector and localize electricity appliances in Vietnam which helps reduce input cost and prices".

NA Deputy Nguyen Thanh Phuong from Can Tho city said: "I think that electricity prices should be in line with the market economy mechanism. I propose support for individuals and organizations which develop renewable energy sources like wind and  solar energy for daily life and industry to ease the burden on national electricity".

The same day, the NA is expected to approve the amended Laws on Trade Union, Prices and Administrative Sanctions.

