NA Deputies contribute ideas to the revised Land Law

(VOV) – National Assembly deputies contributed their ideas to the draft revised Land Law at an online conference held on Wednesday in Hanoi by the National Assembly’s Committee of Economy and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

NA Deputies contribute ideas to the revised Land Law - ảnh 1
The online conference to collect NA deputies' ideas to the draft revised Land Law          
( Source: VOV)

The compiling board has worked together with related agencies for due consideration. According to deputies, the public is most concerned about the regulations relating to land eviction, compensation, support and resettlement. Under the draft Land Law, projects of resettlement houses, social housing and projects of ODA capital will be classified as land eviction for national and public interests. Regarding the right of land use as provided in Article 102 in the draft Land Law, deputy Huynh Thanh Lap, Head of NA delegation from Ho Chi Minh city, said: "I propose that the Government not promulgate a land price framework but only measures and principles to define land price and supervise and issue price quotations for provinces and cities to adjust the land price of neighboring areas. The Government’s price framework has limited the price setting of localities, especially in areas where urbanization takes place rapidly. Land price as set by many localities have been estimated incorrectly due to the limitations of the Government’s maximum land price framework".

Many deputies suggested the revised Land Law should be approved after the approval of the revised 1992 Constitution. But the compiling board requested that the National Assembly take into consideration and approve the draft Land Law in the upcoming 5th session.

