National Assembly questions Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

(VOVworld)- National Assembly deputies on Wednesday began their Q&A session with the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat. Prior to the Q&A session, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan presented a report on implementing the National Assembly’s resolution on the previous Q&A session.

National Assembly questions Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan presented a report on implementing the National Assembly’s resolution on the previous Q&A session.- Photo:

The report touched upon industry and trade, construction, banking, and health care as well as the implementation of governmental tasks. Thanks to the government’s support for production, the market and resolving bad debts, the inventory stock has reduced since late last year. The government has also fine-tuned legal documents concerning housing credit and facilitating overseas Vietnamese and foreigners to buy houses in Vietnam. The government is to issue a decree on social housing management and development. Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan said:“In the last 6 months, we have managed to defer, exempt or reduce taxes for enterprises, expand the market, boost exports, improve the quality of construction sites, reduce interest rates, strengthen the management of the gold market and restructured 9 weak banks. However, some of the work has been slow. We will focus on further assisting enterprises, and people in resettlement areas, clamping down on fraud, fakes and low quality goods, increasing preferential credits for social housing projects, dealing with bad debts and easing the hospital overload”.

In the Q&A session, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat explained the aims of state management regarding plant seedlings, fertilizer, animal feeds, forest plantation and protection. Minister Phat said:“ We are reviewing and restructuring the animal husbandry sector. We have worked with localities to identify animal breeds suitable to their regions. We have focused on different breeds, promoted the production of industrial feeds and inspected the production of domestic feeds. We have urged farmers to use the latest animal feeds”.

National Assembly questions Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development - ảnh 2
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat at the Q&A session- Photo:

Minister Phat added that his ministry will instruct localities to review the structure of their crop-planting to ensure that they are effective. Minister Phat will continue answering deputies’ questions on Thursday.

