New air strikes in Gaza Strip

Tensions remain high around the Gaza Strip after Palestinian armed forces fired rockets into Southern Israel triggering Israeli air strikes which killed 4 gunmen. The AFP reported that clashes began on Tuesday evening right after the historic visit by Qatari emir Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani.

New air strikes in Gaza Strip - ảnh 1
Two loud explosions also shook Gaza City shortly after the attack that killed the Hamas gunman (Photo: Reuters)

An early-morning raid near the southern city of Rafah in response to shelling killed 3. Israeli military said 72 rockets have landed on its territory. Fighters from Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committee (PRC) have claimed responsibility for the rocket fire without mentioning the exact number. Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak warned that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) will act to suppress fire from Gaza.    

