Obama gives Congress Guantanamo closure plan

(VOVWorld) – On Tuesday, President Obama submitted a plan as a final push to persuade the US Congress to close the US prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Obama gives Congress Guantanamo closure plan - ảnh 1
US President Barack Obama (Photo: AFP)
According to Obama’s plan, the detainee transfer and closure costs would be between 290 and 475 million US Dollars, lower than the annual cost of 450 million US Dollars needed to operate the prison. Keeping the facility open is contrary to US values and undermines US standing in the world, Obama said, and its operation is counterproductive to the fight against terrorists. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Congress will consider President Obama’s plan, but since it includes bringing dangerous terrorists to facilities in the US, the plan needs the bipartisan consent of the Congress.

