On International Women’s Day, Vietnam honors servicewomen, ordinary female emotions

(VOVWORLD) - The Army Women's Department of the Ministry of Defence on Wednesday celebrated their 30th Traditional Day and received the Fatherland Defense Order, 2nd class.
On International Women’s Day, Vietnam honors servicewomen, ordinary female emotions - ảnh 1The Army Women's Department of the Ministry of Defence receives the Fatherland Defense Order, 2nd class. (Photo: VOV)

Colonel Phung Thi Phu, Head of the Army Women's Department, said military women at any position and duty always uphold the "heroic, indomitable, loyal, dutiful" tradition.

“During the renewal period, army women have participated in almost military tasks, such as joining the United Nations peacekeeping force, training and combat readiness, and weapon production. Many servicewomen have been elected to leadership positions and there are six female Generals,” said Phu.

On International Women’s Day, Vietnam honors servicewomen, ordinary female emotions - ảnh 2VOV staff wear ao dai at work responding to the Vietnam Ao Dai Week.

Celebrating International Women's Day (March 8) and responding to the Vietnam Ao Dai Week launched by the Vietnam Women's Union, graceful and elegant women in ao dai are regularly seen at offices, schools, and public places.

Some women sharing about their feeling: “I love wearing ao dai. I feel more graceful in an ao dai. When we organize a ao dai show with other women, we are proud and excited.”

“My company gives ao dai to the staff in response to the ao dai week. Ao dai is the national costume of Vietnam. We can wear it any time because ao dai is not picky. It makes women more confident.”

On International Women’s Day, Vietnam honors servicewomen, ordinary female emotions - ảnh 3Photos taken by Spanish artist Salvador Perez Arroyo (Photo: vietnamplus)

An exhibition on a roller coaster of emotion of an ordinary woman in Vietnam is underway at Vietnam Women’s Museum in Hanoi to mark the International Women’s Day.

The exhibition showcases 24 colour and black-and-white photos by Salvador Perez Arroyo, a Spanish artist and architect, of Huong Thi Cao, known as Lily, a nonprofessional model. It reflects the mind and role of women in the society, especially the transfer of knowledge and value to their children.

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