Party Central Committee’s Secretariat calls for top focus on fighting COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) -The permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on Wednesday sent an official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control measures. 

The official dispatch says that the Party Committees, administrations at all levels, mass organizations and people from walks of life have striven to overcome difficulties and promptly adopted measures to fight the pandemic. However, the fourth wave of infections with the largest scale and fastest-ever spreading speed, the people’s lives and health as well as production and business activities have been badly affected.

To improve the efficiency of the fight against the pandemic in the current urgent situation, the permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat called on the entire political system to give the top focus on the work.  This will create public consensus and ensure efficient implementation of social welfare support for people and businesses, basic necessities supply to people and medical equipment procurement for pandemic control.

The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the health sector were assigned to direct localities to outline scenarios and adopt testing and treatment measures that suit the situation, step up the research, production and injection of vaccines. The Mass Mobilization Commission, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations should have practical solutions to take care of the people, especially the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.

