Party leader calls for further strengthened ties with Cambodia

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and his entourage on Wednesday laid a floral wreath at the Independence Momument in Phnom Penh, visited the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Monument and paid a visit to Monks’ Kings Tep Vong and Bukri. The party leader briefed the Monks’ Kings about the latest developments of the Vietnamese Buddhism and expressed his hope that the Cambodian Buddhist functionaries will contribute more to strengthening friendship and solidarity between the two countries.

The same day, Party leader Trong visited the Vietnamese embassy in Phnom Penh and urged the staff members to be a bridge linking Vietnam and Cambodia. “The Vietnamese representative offices overseas’ mission is to be fully devoted for the national development and defense by working closely with each other to weather difficulties and enable Vietnamese businesses to set their foothold in Cambodia. The most important task is to harmonize economic, political and social benefits,” said the Party leader.

On the occasion, Mr. Trong presented 50,000 USD to help Vietnamese children in their study in Cambodia.

Under the framework of the visit, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the same day, met Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs of Cambodia, Sar Kheeng. The two leaders agreed to boost bilateral co-operation between the Cambodian Ministry of Home Affairs and Vietnamese Ministry of Public Securities. They were also determined to increase information exchange and work harder to fight trans-national crimes. Also on Wednesday morning, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh held talks with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cambodia, Hor Nam Hong.

In the afternoon, Party leader Trong and his entourage left Phnom Penh for Xiem Riep, continuing their state visit to the country.

