Party leader calls for more effective diplomatic activities

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong has highlighted Vietnamese diplomacy’s important role in expanding relations with other countries and world’s leading international organizations. At the 27th diplomatic conference in Hanoi on Monday, the Party leader praised the diplomatic sector’s contribution to national development, maintaining national sovereignty and territorial integrity and raising Vietnam’s prestige in the international arena. The Party leader urged the participants to discuss achievements and limitations as well as lessons to make diplomatic activities more effective. “The guidelines for Vietnam’s diplomacy is to consistently pursue the foreign policy of independence, self reliance, peace, cooperation and development, multi-lateralization and diversification of relations, befriend and a reliable partner and a responsible member of the international community, equal cooperation and mutual benefit with all countries based on the fundamental rules of the UN Charter and International Law. Principles and mottoes of Vietnam’s diplomacy is put national interests in the first place, to be persistent to class stance and loyal to national interests and flexible in implementing foreign policies, create a peaceful and stable environment  and ensure the strength for the whole nation,” he said.
Delegates at the conference praised the diplomatic sector’s achievements and proposed measures to improve diplomatic activities in the near future. Themed "Positively and proactively integrating into the world, synchronously implementing the foreign affairs activities and resolutions of the 11th Party Congress", the meetings will discuss political, economic, cultural diplomacy, external relation information, overseas Vietnamese related affairs and citizenship protection.

