Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits Singapore

In a  joint press release following talks between Singaporean Prime Miniser Lee Hsien Loong and Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong, the leaders acknowledged the excellent bilateral relations between the two countries and reaffirmed their commitment to the partnership for the benefit of ASEAN.

 Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits Singapore - ảnh 1

In recognition of the warm and maturing relationship, the leaders agreed that Singapore and Vietnam will would work towards signing a Strategic Partnership agreement next year, on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Vietnam. The Strategic Partnership agreement will elevate the existing links between Singapore and Vietnam and open up new directions for cooperation in various areas. They also recognized the importance of the Connectivity Framework Agreement in deepening bilateral economic cooperation.

General Secretary Trong and Prime Minister Loong also had a good exchange of views on regional and global issues. Both countries are committed to cooperating closely to realise the goal of building an ASEAN Community by 2015 to ensure the long-term growth and prosperity of the region. The two leaders discussed developments in the East Sea , and agreed that the situation should be resolved peacefully in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC). Following their meeting, the two leaders witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on Financial Cooperation, the Second Protocol Amendment for the Double Taxation Agreement, and the Agreement on Study Visit Programme and Executive Education Programme for Senior Party officials.”./.

