Party leader urges strengthened Party building

Party leader urges strengthened Party building  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Monday paid a visit to Phu Tho province. He worked with the provincial Party Committee on the implementation of the resolutions of the 11th National Party Congress and the resolution on Party building of the 4th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee. Trong lauded Phu Tho’s initial achievements, which he said have helped enhance Party members’ awareness of Party building: “Through criticism and self-criticism, we are more aware of our strengths and weaknesses so as to do a better job of Party building. Measures should be taken. Some should be done immediately; some will require roadmaps and plans. This will help to consolidate the trust by Party members and people in our Party”, Trong said.

Party leader urges strengthened Party building  - ảnh 2

The Party leader said the Politburo will review the one-year implementation of the Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum resolution. He urged Phu Tho to do more in this direction, develop the local economy, successfully host the upcoming death anniversary of the Hung Kings, the founders of Vietnam, and contribute opinions to the revisions of the 1992 Constitution.

Later on, Party leader Trong worked with key leaders of Vinh Phuc province on Party building. He praised the province’s efforts to be one of the provinces that have implemented well the resolutions on Party building. Trong asked Vinh Phuc to give more feedbacks on the Constitutional revisions. The Party leader paid floral and incense tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at a memorial house in Vinh Yen city.

