Party leader wants Thai Nguyen to soon become a modern-oriented industrialized province

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong asked Thai Nguyen province to clearly identify its potential and advantages to set out specific and appropriate goals, and choose key tasks to create stronger changes in socio-economic development.
Party leader wants Thai Nguyen to soon become a modern-oriented industrialized province - ảnh 1Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at a meeting with Thai Nguyen leaders on January 10, 2023. 

During a visit to the northern province on Tuesday, Party leader Trong said attention should be paid to better planning and increasing regional connectivity to make Thai Nguyen a modern oriented industrialized province.

Secretary of the provincial People Committee Nguyen Thanh Hai said that last year, Thai Nguyen’s economic growth rate reached nearly 8.6%, higher than the national average, and per capita income hit nearly 4,600 USD. The province also houses Samsung Electronics Thai Nguyen, the largest enterprise in Vietnam in 2022 according to a report by Vietnam Report JSC and VietNamNet online newspaper. 

Party leader Trong said as a magnet for foreign investment in the North, Thai Nguyen should exert every effort to secure a safe and convenient environment to attract investment.

Earlier the same day, the Party leader visited Hao Dat tea cooperative in Thai Nguyen city.

