Party resolutions turned into specific plans

(VOVWORLD) -The four Resolutions of the 5th Plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee are fundamental and have a multi-dimensional impact on Vietnam’s socio-economic development, people's life, and building a cleaner and stronger party, said a senior Party official.

Party resolutions turned into specific plans - ảnh 1The national conference to study Resolutions of the 5th Plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee (Photo: Phương Hoa/VNA)

Politburo member and Permanent Member of the Party’s Secretariat Vo Van Thuong delivered closing remarks at the national conference, which closed on Friday after a day and a half of sitting, to study Resolutions of the Party Central Committee’s Plenum.

Mr. Thuong emphasized Resolution 18 on "Continuing to renew and perfect institutions and policies, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of land management and use, create a driving force for Vietnam to become a high-income developed country." Referring to Resolution 21 on "Strengthening the building of the Party's grassroots organizations and improving the quality of Party members in the new period", he stressed  frankness and breakthrough in some stages of the Party building work.

The Party official said disseminating, studying and thoroughly understanding the Resolutions should be carried out regularly, comprehensively, and in diverse, rich and attractive forms. He urged all-level officials to urgently study and concretize the four Resolutions into specific plans and projects with feasible and effective assignment of tasks and clear implementation roadmap.

