PM calls for proper measures to ensure 2015 GDP growth rate of 6.2%

PM calls for proper measures to ensure 2015 GDP growth rate of 6.2%  - ảnh 1
Vietnam's GDP is set at 6.2% in 2015
(VOVworld) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has asked ministries and sectors to do their best to fulfill the targets set from the beginning of the year, including a GDP growth rate of 6.2% and an inflation rate of around 5%. During a Thursday meeting with ministries and sectors to seek ideas for macro-economic execution and management, he requested the State Bank of Vietnam to be proactive in regulating interest rates and credit growth to ensure the set economic growth rate. The PM asked the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group to keep a close eye on the global crude oil price while overseeing crude oil production to avoid losses. He agreed in principle the adjustment of electricity price in line with market rules and will issue a conclusion after the Tet holiday after reviewing related plans and assessments provided by concerned ministries and sectors.

At the conference, he instructed the macro-economy working group to pay heed to economic impacts from the country’s joining of many free trade agreements and the formation of an ASEAN economic community, the country’s retail sale system, public debts, and changes to several public service fees.

