PM: Cao Quy excavation site embraces great historical values

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has recalled Vietnam’s glorious victories on Bach Dang river saying they represent Vietnamese people’s strength, heroism, staunchness, and unity. 
PM: Cao Quy excavation site embraces great historical values - ảnh 1

Attending the inauguration ceremony of the Cao Quy historical site in Hai Phong city on Sunday, the Prime Minister said the excavation relic site with wooden stakes of the Tran dynasty in the 13th century embraces invaluable historical materials about Vietnam’s history against foreign invaders. He said the preservation of the site help the education of traditional values and asked for strict implementation of regulations of cultural preservation to protect the site’s values.

The same day, the Prime Minister attended the inauguration of the Nam Cau Binh traffic route leading to the city’s downtown. 

