PM meets regional leaders on summit sidelines

(VOVworld) - Prime Mister Nguyen Tan Dung on Saturday met separately with leaders of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on the sidelines of the second Mekong River Commission (MRC) Summit in Ho Chi Minh City.

PM meets regional leaders on summit sidelines - ảnh 1

They included the Prime Ministers of Cambodia Hun Sen and Laos Thongsing Thammavong, Myanmar Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin, and Thai Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Sihasak Phuangketkeow. Affirming that Vietnam always treasures ties with Mekong basin countries, he said Vietnam wishes to foster cooperation with other MRC member countries and partners in order to boost the effective implementation of the directions, strategies and projects of the commission on the sustainable management and development of the river. He highlighted the importance of undertaking studies on the environmental impact of hydropower plants on the mainstream of the river and the strict realization of the 1995 Agreement of Mekong Cooperation. PM Dung said he hopes the Thai Government and people will overcome their current difficulties soon. He said Vietnam is ready to discuss a plan of action to implement a bilateral strategic partnership at any suitable time. He also expressed his hope that Thailand will continue promoting its role as the coordinator for the ASEAN-China relations, stepping up partnership and dialogue on issues of mutual concern, especially the building of a Code of Conduct of the parties in the East Sea. The government leader hailed Myanmar’s position as the ASEAN Chair in 2014. He confirmed that he will lead a Vietnamese delegation to attend the ASEAN Summit in the country this May. The foreign leaders applauded Vietnam for successfully hosting the second MRC Summit, with the issuance of the Ho Chi Minh City Declaration which includes many important details.  The Declaration said that government leaders of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand reiterated the importance of sustainable use and management of water resources and related resources in the Mekong River Basin and pledged to continue their political commitments to implement the 1995 Mekong Agreement and to foster Mekong cooperation.

The leaders acknowledged the Commission’s preparations for a process to transfer the management of the river basin with specific priorities and milestones. They also thanked development partners for their technical and financial assistance to help the Commission implement its post-2015 agenda and self-finance by 2030. The MRC members, namely Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, also agreed to increase work together with their dialogue and development partners, and welcomed regional and global initiatives in the field. They hoped to receive more support and collaboration from their peers during the process of carrying out an action plan for 2016-2010 period.   

