President attends APEC Business Advisory Council's session

President attends APEC Business Advisory Council's session - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The APEC Business Advisory Council began its 3rd meeting in Ho Chi Minh city on Monday. The meeting will finalize reports in preparations for the APEC Summit scheduled for Russia this September. At this meeting, Vietnam will push for APEC business community to take measures to develop infrastructure, increase the link between regional economies and facilitate small and medium sized enterprises to join the global supply chain and have access technologies in agriculture, and clean and renewable energy. President Sang addressed the meeting: “We support APEC’s demonstration of its leading role in trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, ensuring security and peace in the region towards regional vision and the Asia Pacific free trade. Vietnam and other parties involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are actively accelerating negotiations on opening up markets and have worked on opening up tax, services, investment, public purchase and financial services markets to speed up the levels of liberalization set by the TPP.”

Cooperating with the APEC economies is very important for Vietnam as the region is now the biggest ODA donor to Vietnam, accounts for 65% of all FDI, 65% of imported goods, 75% of tourists and is the destination for 60% of Vietnamese exports.


