President attends opening ceremony of Dien Bien Phu revamp

(VOVworld) – State President Truong Tan Sang today/ on Wednesday attended the opening ceremony of the new protective roofing system for outside objects at Dien Bien Phu historical site in Dien Bien province.

President attends opening ceremony of Dien Bien Phu revamp - ảnh 1
Dien Bien Phu historical site Source:

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Sang stressed that preserving historical sites is highly significant and shows gratitude to the Vietnamese soldiers who fell  during the resounding victory at Dien Bien. The roofing system was built to preserve the site of the battle in the war of resistance against French colonialists which includes tanks and the debris of aircrafts. The total cost of the construction is estimated to be around 250,000 USD.

