President begins an official visit to Laos

President begins an official visit to Laos  - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang is given a red carpet welcome in Laos

( VOVworld ) - State President Truong Tan Sang on Thursday began an official visit to Laos to consolidate bilateral special friendship. During talks with General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and President Chummaly Sayasone, President Sang expressed his delight at his first visit to Laos as State President and believed that Laos will continue gaining greater achievements in improving its people’s living standards and raising its role in the region and the world. Mr. Sang expressed his wish to further boost the special friendship between Vietnam and Laos in the future: "Vietnam-Laos relations have been continuously reinforced over the past years. The two sides have discussed ways to boost bilateral ties in various fields. We agreed to disseminate information about the history of the two countries and cooperate to organize ceremonial activities  this year".
President Sang and his Laos counterpart Chummaly Sayasone witnessed the signing of a protocol on cooperation in Lao human resource training in Vietnam and this year’s cooperation plan between the Ministries of Education of both nations. President Sang also laid a wreath at the monument of unnamed soldiers.

President Truong Tan Sang the same day received the Chairman of the Laos – Vietnam Friendship Organization, leaders of Luong Phabang province and visited some senior revolutionary veterans. He attended the inauguration ceremonies of several projects and visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Vientiane. Laotian Party and State leaders held a banquet to welcome the Vietnamese President on Thursday night. President Sang will leave Vientiane for Champasac province on Friday. 

Major newspapers in Vietnam and Laos have highlighted bilateral friendship and unity on the occasion of President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to Laos. The national daily newspaper People editorially emphasized Vietnam’s wish to foster the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Laos. The People’s Army newspaper reviewed major achievements in bilateral ties and the special bilateral unity. Laotian Paxason newspaper described the special friendship and cooperation between the two Parties and peoples a valuable asset of the two nations.    


