President hosts ceremony marking 78th anniversary of National Day

(VOVWORLD) - President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse hosted a ceremony in Hanoi on Thursday marking the 78th National Day of Vietnam (September 2,1945 - 2023).
President hosts ceremony marking 78th anniversary of National Day - ảnh 1President Vo Van Thuong hosts ceremony marking 78th anniversary of National Day

The event was attended by high-ranking officials, scientists, intellectuals, businesspeople, young people, along with foreign diplomats and heads of international organizations in Hanoi.

 In his speech, the President said since the Revolutionary Autumn of 1945, in the spirit of “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom,” the Vietnamese nation fought valiantly through countless arduous wars, with millions of this land’s outstanding individuals having laid down their lives for national liberation and unification, and for the building and protection of their Fatherland.

President hosts ceremony marking 78th anniversary of National Day - ảnh 2At the event

The leader stressed that upon the launch of Doi Moi, with the goals of “wealthy people, a strong country of democracy, equality and civilization,” the people of Vietnam once again entered a fierce struggle to eradicate hunger, poverty, and outdatedness, and recorded historic accomplishments.

From a country that has yet to make itself known on the global stage, Vietnam has now established diplomatic ties with 192 countries, he said, adding that it has emerged as one of the most dynamic economies in the Asia - Pacific, and affirmed its role as an important part of numerous economic linkages, free trade agreements, and production chains in the region and the world

President Thuong said: "Vietnam is striving to fulfill the aspiration to become a developed, high-income country by 2045. To this end, we remain steadfast in promoting the holistic and comprehensive implementation of Doi Moi and engaging in extensive and comprehensive international integration. Vietnam also continues to improve as a socialist law-governed state and a socialist-oriented market economy, firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and preserve and build upon the invaluable legacies cultivated by generations of Vietnamese people. Throughout this process, the people have always been placed at the heart of Vietnam’s endeavors, he said, noting they are the actor, the driver, and the consistent goal of all development policies."

President Thuong thanked friends, partners, and the progressive people worldwide for having stood with Vietnam and offered Vietnam affection, trust, and invaluable support and friendship over the past 78 years.

The President said: "For common peace and prosperity for all countries to be maintained, Vietnam is of the view that, we need to stand united, bolster cooperation, uphold multilateralism, and observe the UN Charter and international law. Vietnam stands ready to serve as a bridge to facilitate cooperation and dialogue, reinforce multilateralism, and promote peaceful settlement of disputes based on the UN Charter and international law. Vietnam shall always remain a close and loyal friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community. I hope that ambassadors, chargés d’affaires and chief representatives of international organizations will continue to represent good faith, sincerity, trust, and close bond, and make meaningful contributions to further enhancing the ties between Vietnam and other partners worldwide."

On behalf of the guests, Palestinian Ambassador to Vietnam Saadi Salama, head of the diplomatic corps, extended the best wishes to Party and State leaders and the people of Vietnam on this important event.

He expressed his impression of Vietnam's comprehensive achievements in the recent past as the Vietnamese economy has maintained its growth momentum and has consistently been included in the list of countries with the highest growth rates in the region and the world by various economic, financial, and international ranking organizations.

The same day, Ho Chi Minh City's Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front held a reception for diplomatic agencies, international organizations and representatives of the foreign business community in the city.

At the function, the city's leaders pledged to coordinate closely and provide maximum support for diplomatic agencies in organizing trade, investment, cultural, health, education, and cultural exchange activities and people-to-people exchanges to make the city a friendly destination for international friends and attractive destination for investors.

Mr. Roy Kho Ngee Seng, Consul General of Singapore in Ho Chi Minh City, Head of the Consul Delegation, praised Vietnam's development over the past 78 years. On behalf of the Consul Delegation, Mr. Roy Kho Ngee Seng expressed his desire to coordinate closely with the city in the fields of economics, culture, education, research and sustainable development in the coming time.

