President outlines army’s mission for 2024

(VOVWORLD) - President Vo Van Thuong has asked the army to coordinate with other forces to maintain security and order nationwide, and respond effectively to non-traditional security challenges. 
President outlines army’s mission for 2024 - ảnh 1 President Vo Van Thuong attends the 2023 national military-political conference, Hanoi, December 29, 2023. (Photo: VNA)

President Thuong made the request at the 2023 national military-political conference held in Hanoi on Friday. 

He lauded the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, officers, and soldiers of the Vietnam People’s Army for their achievements in 2023. Mr. Thuong asked that in 2024, the commission and defense ministry will continue to provide effective consultations to the Party and State on national defense, improve their research and forecasting capacity, and come up will flexible and effective solutions to any problems, leaving no room for surprises.

He stressed the importance of maintaining a firm grasp on the Party’s guidelines on all-people defense, people’s warfare, and national protection in the new period, with people being the root, the center, and the subject.

President outlines army’s mission for 2024 - ảnh 2President Vo Van Thuong greets representatives of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense. (Photo: VNA)

For 2024, the entire army must focus on improving its overall quality and combat prowess, maintaining combat readiness, monitoring and protecting national airspace, sea, border, inland, cyberspace, and key areas, and safeguarding the country’s sovereignty and territory. It must also propose mechanisms, policies, and solutions to attract and train talents, improve the quality of its human resources to meet the requirements of building the army in the new situation, said President Thuong.

Special attention must be paid to building a pure and strong Party organization of the Vietnam People’s Army in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, and personnel, the President said, stressing the need to ensure the Party’s absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the army.

The leader requested the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to improve the material and spiritual lives of officers and soldiers, especially those in remote, border and island areas. International integration and defense diplomacy must be implemented concertedly, comprehensively, and effectively to ensure national interests, he noted.

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