President receives General Secretary of World Federation of Trade Unions

(VOVWORLD) -President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on Friday for General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Pambis Kyritsis, who is in Vietnam to attend the 13th National Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.
President receives General Secretary of World Federation of Trade Unions - ảnh 1President Vo Van Thuong and WFTU General Secretary Pambis Kyritsis (Photo: VNA)

President Thuong praised the WFTU for steadfastly pursuing the goals of advancing the working class and the lives of workers, supporting peace and social progress.

He appreciated the World Federation of Trade Unions for supporting the Vietnamese people in their cause of fighting for national liberation, healing the wounds of war, and building and protecting the Fatherland today.

He expressed his wish that the WFTU will continue supporting and sharing experience with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to robustly develop together and successfully achieve the goals set by the WFTU.
Kyritsis said the values achieved by Vietnam and its people are also the goals and principles affirmed by the 18th WFTU Congress held in Rome, Italy in 2022. These include opposing colonialism, imperialism and struggling for development, progress, peace and social democracy.

