President Truong Tan Sang begins a visit to Denmark

President Truong Tan Sang begins a visit to Denmark - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang and President of the Social Party of Hungary Mestehazy Atila (right)

(VOVworld)- President Truong Tan Sang left for Denmark on Wednesday for a state visit at the invitation of Danish Queen Margrethe II. Amidst the rapid development of Vietnamese- Danish cooperation over the past 40 years, President Sang’s visit to Denmark aims to strengthen the traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries on the basis of long-term stability and mutual benefit. The visit will pave the way for greater cooperation in climate change, energy, environment and green growth.

On Tuesday, President Sang made fact-finding tours of several agricultural breeding farms and pharmaceutical factories in Hungary. He met with President of the Social Party of Hungary Mestehazy Atila. At the meeting, President Sang praised the fine relationship between the Social Party of Hungary and the Communist Party of Vietnam over the years. Atila expressed his hope that the relationship between the two Parties will continue to develop. He praised Vietnam’s role in Southeast Asia and said his party is ready to facilitate the Vietnamese Embassy and people in Hungary.

