President Truong Tan Sang interviewed by Russian TV

President Truong Tan Sang interviewed by Russian TV - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang arrived at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow on early morning of May 8. Photo: VNA
(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang arrived in Moscow Friday to attend a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Vietnamese President and other State leaders will attend a celebration parade in Red Square on May 9. Sang is also scheduled to meet with Russian leaders and visit a number of social-economic facilities and Russia-Vietnam firms in Russia. He will also pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh by planting a tree at his statue in Moscow.

Earlier, a Russian TV channel interviewed President Truong Tan Sang as he attended the 70th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Great Patriotic War. The Vietnamese President said that together with the people of the Soviet Union and progressive people around the world, the Vietnamese people stood up against the oppression of colonialism, fascism, and militarism for national independence and freedom. The victory over fascism of the Soviet Union and allied forces made Vietnam’s struggle for national independence easier. Under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and inspired by the victory of progressive forces worldwide, the Vietnamese people conducted the August Revolution in 1945, which established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2, 1945, contributing to the global goal of peace, national independence, democracy, and social progress.

President Sang said the Soviet Union recognized and established diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on January 30, 1950, laying a solid foundation for friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. He said he believed that the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership will continue to grow to meet the aspirations of both peoples for peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.   

