President Truong Tan Sang receives Russian Deputy Prime Minister

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang on Wednesday received Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov who is on a visit to Vietnam.

President Truong Tan Sang receives Russian Deputy Prime Minister - ảnh 1

Mr. Shuvalov said sub-committees of the intergovernmental committee have cooperated effectively over the past years. The two sides will work with each other to resolve issues relating to some projects and the establishment of joint task force teams on labor, migration and infrastructure construction. He added Russia would provide credits for projects to build a nuclear energy complex, and attract investment capital into Vietnam.

Regarding the negotiation process on the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov said bilateral economic and trade cooperation had seen positive progress but had not fully tapped the potential and good political relations between the two countries. Negotiations to reach the Asia-Europe Economic Alliance Treaty will be a significant step in boosting economic cooperation between the two countries and regions.

President Sang stressed Vietnamese-Russian relations have developed smoothly and that it was important to promote cooperation in the areas of economics and trade. He also emphasized the need to expand cooperation in areas of strength between the two countries. Mr. Sang urged for the review of the mechanisms, policies and signed agreements to create a legal framework to boost investment and business between Vietnam and Russia. 

