President urges Son La to focus on human resource development


President urges Son La to focus on human resource development  - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang works with Son La authorities

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang has urged Son La province to make more effort to reduce poverty levels. At a meeting with the local authorities on Friday, the President stressed the province’s progress in ensuring security and keeping order. Relocating tens of thousands of households of ethnic minority people to build the Son La hydro-power station was also a great achievement, he said. He also asked the province to apply scientific and technological advances to local agriculture. He said that being a former revolutionary base, Son La needs to pay more attention to developing its human resources, supporting social beneficiaries and party building.

Earlier, President Truong Tan Sang called on the judiciary in Son La province to uphold the rule of law given province’s unfavorable geographic conditions and mounting crime. On Friday, President Sang also met with the leaders of Son La People’s Court and Procuracy.


President urges Son La to focus on human resource development  - ảnh 2
President Truong Tan Sang visits Son La prison

The same day, he visited Son La prison and the Northwestern University, which is training young cadres for the region and neighboring Laos. The president asked the university to improve the quality of its training and research as the leading educational institution in the region: “Our top concern is human resources for the region and the country. So the Northwestern University is playing in increasingly important role. We want to turn the country’s northwestern region into a driving force center which is as strong as the rest of the country and even as those of other countries. That’s why human resources development is so crucial”.

President Sang also asked the university to reform its teaching methods, combine theories and practice to motivate students’ creativity to contribute to realize the national goal of industrialization and modernization by 2020.

