Presidential Office announces 11 laws, 1 ordinance and 1 resolution

Presidential Office announces 11 laws, 1 ordinance and 1 resolution - ảnh 1
Presidential Office announces 11 laws, 1 ordinance and 1 resolution

(VOVworld)- The Presidential Office organized a press conference on Monday to announce 11 laws, 1 ordinance and 1 resolution which were approved at the 9th session of the 13th National Assembly. They include Laws regarding the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Animal Health, Military Service Obligation, Local Administration Organization, Government Organization, Issuance of Legal Documents, State Audit, Marine Resources and the Environment and Islands, the Election of Deputies to the National Assembly and People’s Councils, Labor Safety and Hygiene, and State Budget, an Ordinance on Environmental Police and a Resolution on lump-sum social insurance payments for workers.

Under the Law on Military Service Obligation, citizens between 18 and 27 will be mobilized to join the army, 2 years older than previously. The law also stipulates the delay of joining the army for school children, and full-time university and college students. The resolution on lump-sum social insurance payments for workers will come into effect on January 1, 2016.


