Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc successfully concludes visit to China

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has returned to Hanoi after attending the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) from April 25-27 in Beijing.

During his trip, the Prime Minister met Chinese Party chief and President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, and permanent Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Wang Huning. In his address to the forum which attracted heads of states from 37 countries and some 5,000 delegates from more than 150 countries and 90 international organizations, Prime Minister Phuc pledged Vietnam’s willingness to cooperate with China and other countries for efficient cooperation and mutual benefit. Deputy Foreign Minister Le Hoai Trung accompanied the Prime Minister during the trip: “In this speech, the Prime Minister shared Vietnam’s reform experience, noting that making good use of advantages and potential along with promoting international integration are the foundation for successful cooperation and comprehensive development. Vietnam treasures connectivity and international integration for growth. Vietnam welcomes principles identified in the first senior forum, including transparency, equality based on market principles and benefits for all.”

Deputy Foreign Minister Trung hailed bilateral cooperation development in all areas, especially trade and investment: “The two sides signed five economic agreements, including two deals that opened the Chinese market for Vietnam’s exports of milk and dairy products. The Prime Minister met with executives of many leading Chinese companies, during which he vowed all possible support for them to do business in Vietnam. China has been Vietnam’s 2nd largest export market and leading trade partner. These talks have shaped up legal foundation and policies for bilateral trade promotion.”

The Prime Minister asked for serious implementation of high-ranking leaders’ perception, particularly agreement on the guiding principles to settle issues at sea, fully and efficiently implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and accelerating negotiation for the Code of Conduct for Parties in the East Sea (COC). Chinese leaders pledged to continue working with Vietnam in controlling differences, maintaining peace and stability in the East Sea. 

